Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I choose to believe that teaching the least desired children is the most noble choice of all.

"Each day we teach we must put forth a greater effort than we think we're capable of doing, we can never limit ourselves to what kind of teacher we've been in the past." - Robert John Meehan

"I choose to believe that teaching the least desired children is the most noble choice of all." Robert John Meehan

"Critical Thinking: The purposeful reflective judgment concerning what to believe or what to do. Is this a lost art?" Robert John Meehan

"The current reformers do not realize that learning is different from winning. Teachers can have the best game plan but they can't pick their teams." Robert John Meehan 

"I have learned much from my teachers, more from my peers, but most from my students." Robert John Meehan

"Some students can be extremely frustrating, distant and downright irritating, but they are children, and should be treated as such." Robert John Meehan

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