Friday, February 6, 2015

Reason of hope...

"If we are truly effective teachers, then we are creating autonomous, independent, and self directed learners." Robert John Meehan

"Great classrooms are characterized by positive, open relationships, mutual respect, and a shared responsibility for the learning process." Robert John Meehan

"Teamwork is the fuel that allows common teachers to obtain uncommon results." Robert John Meehan

"If we balance the budget on the back of the educational system, we will be paying for it for years to come." Robert John Meehan

"Pursue confidently your dreams of being a teacher. Teach each day as you once imagined you would. Don't let today's obstacles keep you from yesterday's dreams." Robert John Meehan

"It is shortsighted to believe that better education comes from setting up schools that exclude the very children needing the most help." Robert John Meehan

"The whole being of any Teacher is within our hearts. Although education prepares us to teach, it is the love of learning that sustains us." Robert John  Meehan

"Be diligent in trusting that what we do in the classroom could possibly echo for a lifetime in the heart of a student." Robert John Meehan 

"Good teaching isn't so much about the teacher's technique, but about their having some sort of connective capacity with their students." Robert John Meehan

              Click to visit the Positive Mantras for Teachers gofundme page. 

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