Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I have learned much from my teachers, more from my peers, but most from my students...


"Teaching was once a noble calling. It's now becoming too much of a venture capital opportunity." Robert John Meehan

"Children are born addicted to learning. High-stakes assessments are drumming the love of learning out of kids." Robert John Meehan

"Unless we eliminate the gross inequalities between all of us in real life, we should not presume that schools ALONE can compensate for them." Robert John Meehan

"I have learned much from my teachers, more from my peers, but most from my students." Robert John Meehan

"Mediocre teachers tend to talk mostly about teaching. Successful teachers talk exclusively about learning." Robert John Meehan

"The blaming rhetoric in education these days clearly detracts from its mission to create life long learners that can adapt to change." Robert John Meehan

"Ed reformers need to involve teachers. We know exactly what will bring about authentic reform. We think about this every day." Robert John Meehan

"Neither poverty, nor the diverse nature of our population are excuses not to educate everyone." Robert John Meehan

"Repeated high stakes testing can produce anxiety and depression in students. Few students thrive in such environments." Robert John Meehan

"EVERY student has special talents. It is our duty to find these talents and to adapt our lessons to best implement them." Robert John Meehan

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